Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Taiwan Team is Off!

If you didn't hear, our last mission team for the summer left last night for Taiwan. The team will be holding an English Camp at National Tsinghua Univ. According to Emily of Homegroup 7, who is part of the team, 13 brothers and sisters from Gracepoint Berkeley will be joining 30+ other TAs and teachers from across the States to teach classes on Western Culture & Leadership and build friendships with 200+ incoming freshmen. 10 more helpers will leave Friday to join our Gracepoint Hsinchu team to help out with tons of team-building activities, sports, and games during the camp.

Remember, our own Steve Choi is over there helping out with the camp. And no, for those of you wondering, he has not gained weight despite all the cheap, wonderful Taiwanese delicacies, unless Skype video makes you look smaller. Let's pray for our team!

I'll post a pic of the team later.

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