Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gracepoint Fellowship Church's iMix

Ever hear a great new song at Gracepoint Berkeley, vow to remember the name of the song or lyrics, only to forget everything afterwards because you're deep in thought mulling over Pastor Ed Kang's message? Don't worry, check out the Gracepoint iMix! With songs from old and upcoming praise sets, so you can stop trying to scribble that song name on your Sunday program. You can subscribe via RSS too. And while you're at it, check out the new Gracepoint Fellowship Church Worship blog.


John said...

Dan, there's a new song from Lincoln Brewster called Today's the Day. What about trying that song sometime soon?

danchiang said...

Yeah I like that song. First heard it at Bayside Church during their Xmas service. James knows about it, perhaps I'll mention it to him again....

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