Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Vamos a la Gracepoint! Videos & Pictures

It's been called historic. Monumental. An affront to the senses. Or just gross. Here's the Vamos a la Gracepoint video by a2f Gold from this past Sunday's Thanksgiving Celebration. Watch at your own risk.

Also, thanks to the SF Campus for putting together this cool slideshow with pictures from all the performances!

While you're all at home with family, drop us a line in the comments! What was your favorite moment/act/element from Thanksgiving Celebration?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Wow, Thanksgiving Celebration was incredible. Stay tuned, we'll try to have pictures and video from the event up on this site soon.

Since it's a short week, Bible Study will be tonight (Tues) @ First Pres. @ 8pm.

If you guys are staying here for Thanksgiving, you don't have to be by yourself! You can come over Wed night to Dan/Hannah's place for a nice hot pot dinner. Or, on Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), we're having a potluck dinner all together at our Northloop building in Alameda.

If you wanna come, just email me so we can be sure to give you a ride. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Celebration is Here

Thanksgiving Celebration is this Sunday (11/23) @ 1:30pm @ Alameda High School.

Starts with a special Thanksgiving service with lots of videos recounting what happened this past year. Then it's time to laugh (or cry, or both) at everyone's performances. We end the night with a wonderful turkey dinner!

Please let one of the staff know if you'd like to join us. We'll be giving rides from Berkeley @ 12:15pm.

Tim's Terrific Turkey

Dish-Gracepoint is a great blog run by Tom, one of the staff of acts2fellowship who is our in-house food scientist! Check it out, it's got tons of useful recipes and tips.

For Thanksgiving, Tom enlisted his good friend Tim to share Tim's tried-and-true secrets for the perfect turkey. But you'd better block out some time to read this, it's engaging stuff, and it'll get you excited to cook your own bird. So be a good son or daughter this Thanksgiving--impress your parents and relatives by volunteering to cook the turkey this year!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Important Change: No TC this Friday (11/21)

Hi everyone, there's a change in plans, and we will NOT be having a Koinonia in-house Thanksgiving program this Friday. Instead, ALL Koinonia homegroups will get to perform on Sunday at our church-wide Celebration! How exciting!

So the schedule this Friday is:
7pm - Bible Study
Afterwards - final Thanksgiving Celebration practice (with costumes)

Friday's Bible Study is @ the Lipman Room (on the 8th floor of Barrows Hall).

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Thanksgiving Celebration Practice

Here are some snapshots of our exciting first practice last Friday at the Y. Thanks Robin for these pictures.

Thanksgiving Celebration has launched many a rappin' career.

Rui, Paulina, Lindsey, Yanhui, and Sheri ham it up!
Or should I say, lamb it up. Ha!

Ruby is one with the moves. She's totally into it.

Afterwards, we celebrated Nov birthdays: Karen, Robin, Dennis, and Nin!

Hope you can all join us for our second (and final) practice this Friday. It's not too late to get in on the action!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Than a Face & Gone Music Video

Special presentation tonight (11/12), 8pm, Norton Hall Main Lounge, Unit 3. Vivian and Kathy from homegroup 8 are giving a talk called "More Than A Face." It's a presentation they've given a few times already to great reviews. They will talk about how the media portrays women and how it profoundly affects the way women view themselves. If you're free, you can come and invite your friends to this.

In other news, we had a great time at our special event, GONE, last week. Kevan from hg1 and Paulina from hg3 have already penned nice recaps from the event, so you can read about what happened here and here. Below is the music video we showed at the event, set to the night's theme song, appropriately called....Gone. The guy in the video is Howard, a junior from hg1.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

GONE - A Special Event (11/6)

Our three college groups are sponsoring a very special event - GONE. Included in the program are a live band, personal sharings/testimonies from fellow college students about some of their life experiences and journeys, a thought-provoking talk from a Christian perspective, and food. Please join us for this exciting event!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Koinonia Zip Hooded Sweatshirt Preorder

With the weather getting colder, don’t you wish you had another warm sweatshirt? We just finalized the design for a cool new black, zippered, hooded, Koinonia sweatshirt.

But we’re only ordering the amount that we get pre-orders for, so please pre-order your sweatshirt by this Friday. Here's the design:


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