Monday, October 13, 2008

Gracepoint Austin Inaugural Service

Last Sunday (10/5) was the inaugural worship service for the newest member of the Gracepoint family, GFC-Austin. A team from Berkeley went down to Texas for a week to help our brothers and sisters there plan for the event and just encourage and be with them for this historic occasion. Bryan Song posted a blog entry about the Inaugural week too. I'm so thankful we can share such camaraderie with our Austin team because of our bond in the Gospel. As Pastor Ed shared in his message at Gracepoint Berkeley yesterday, let's claim people to love, and we can start by always remembering GFC-Austin in prayer.

And if you're a student, just imagine some probable counterpart on the UT-Austin campus as you pray for them. I've heard the Austin students are like Cal students in so many ways. Except that for Austin students I bet the word "football" does not similarly conjure up mixed painful feelings and cause them to put their hope all the more in something more sure and secure, like God.

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