Monday, December 15, 2008

Reminder: Sign-ups

There's alot going on this winter so please remember to sign up for the following ASAP:

Winter Retreat 2009. Fri-Sun, 1/23-1/25 (first weekend after school starts). This is the spiritual highlight of our whole year so please do sign up now and get the early bird discount.

G-Live Tech & Arts Camp. Mon-Fri, 1/12-1/16. This is an incredible opportunity to get trained in video work, Photoshop, scriptwriting, and much more by the best at our church, in preparation for this spring's Gracepoint Live, our huge multimedia and theatrical production! Don't worry, helping out does not preclude you from acting on stage.

Sophomore Discipleship Retreat. Tues-Thurs, 1/13-1/15. For Christian sophs. Don't miss this rare chance to be trained by Pastor Ed & Kelly @ Sierra Lodge and get to know your peers better.

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