I can't believe that in less than a week, Joyce, Del and Maurice will be leaving to join
Gracepoint Fellowship Church - Austin! Joyce's departure is especially sad for me since I've worked with Joyce for the past 3 years at my current job. I've known her since she was in high school through her older sister, Grace Kim, who's my peer and rather famous (or infamous) on
Dis-gracepoint. It doesn't seem that long ago when, during the winter break of my sophomore year, my peers, Joyce and I went to Disneyland. Joyce was only a sophomore in high school back then and we had so much fun together as we rode on amazing rides, ate yummy snacks and took pictures with my favorite Disney characters like Alice, Ariel, Woody and Buzz. Before I knew it, she was an excited yet clueless freshman at UC Berkeley! Boy, time flies. But over time she grew into a person who loves God and cares about others deeply. As I saw her reaching out to her
Joyland kids, serving faithfully in
acts2fellowship and loving the co-workers at our work, I just thanked God for changing and shaping her over the years. I can't believe that she's now married and will be moving this week to Austin with Del to help out our church there. I'm inspired by her courage to leave her home of seven years to go to a place that she hasn't even visited yet. As I pass by her empty cubicle, I already miss her. But I am very thankful for all the years I got to know her and excited about what God will do through her life in Austin.
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