Friday, June 19, 2009

30-Hour Famine Starts at Gracepoint Fellowship Church!!!

Selling baked goods for Gracepoint Fellowship Church's 30-Hour FamineLast weekend Homegroups 4 and 7 at Gracepoint Koinonia kicked off their 30-hour Famine fund-raising efforts with a worknight at the Y on Friday night, where we made posterboards, designed Father’s Day cards, and researched statistics on poverty and hunger. The next day we split up into three groups to raise awareness and donations for the issue of world hunger.

One group set up shop outside of Berkeley Bowl and sold homemade pies and other baked goods, as well as handmade Father’s Day cards. Many of us were impressed by Sean’s delicate card-making skills, and evidently so were the people who bought them! It was comforting to know that even if Sean’s job search takes longer than expected, he’ll always have a backup plan.

Steve fulfilled a long-held dream of his by joining Sheri, Vivan, and Tim to form a string quartet on the corner of Telegraph and Durant. As we played for people walking by, many seemed surprised to see a classical performance on Telegraph Ave. of all places. We attracted quite a crowd whenever we played Pachabell’s Canon, and we even met a few Christians (including a missionary from YWAM) who prayed for us and encouraged us to keep up the good work.

The third group went around door-to-door to ask for donations. In all we raised just over $300. Not bad for an hour and a half of solicitations! Please continue to think of ways to raise money and connect your own heart with the issue of world hunger!

Koinonia Berkeley Homegroups 4 and 7 kick off 30-Hour Famine

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gracepoint Fellowship Church's "X2" Fellowship

Here's a couple videos from Gracepoint Koinonia's Magic Mountain Trip. A bunch of us from Berkeley drove down last weekend to meet our SoCal friends for a fun time at the park. The videos were taken while riding X2, the park's most exciting ride. We sure had some great "X2 fellowship" that day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Koinonia Had a Blast at Magic Mountain

Koinonia Berkeley, Gracepoint Fellowship Church at Magic MountainWow, what a fun time we had at Magic Mountain!! With great weather, death-defying thrills, water rides, Superman capes, all-you-can-eat brisket, funnel cake, hilarious waiting-in-line games, Tweetie and Sylvester, and just the multiplicative joy of being all together, it was a day to remember! What was your favorite ride or part of the day?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Free Ticket Giveaway for Your "Magic" Gracepoint Moment

Just wanted to direct your attention to the Koinonia Berkeley site, where we're giving away 2 free tickets to Magic Mountain as our entire college group prepares to descend upon that place this Monday!

Just leave a comment on the main page, telling us your Most Memorable Moment at Gracepoint or Koinonia Berkeley from this past year. A heart-wearming conversation? An inspiring message? A sober realization? A Life Group or Small Group time or get-away? Or a special moment with some good friends? Whatever it is, we wanna hear about it. Then from all the comments, we'll randomly draw 2 for the tickets and announce the winners this Saturday at 2pm. So what are you waiting for? Leave a comment now!

Monday, June 1, 2009

We've Moved!

In case you haven't heard, all the homegroups at Koinonia Berkeley have merged their blogs into the main Koinonia site. Please visit the Homegroup 4 and 7 page for updates and news this summer (there's a ton still going on)! And be sure to leave comments as you peruse the Koinonia site, so we can get feedback. Or just let us know what you're up to, if you're away from Berkeley this summer. Thanks!

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